Wednesday 14 August 2024

August - Painting with thickened dyes

 Welcome back to our continued exploration of batik.

We did some housekeeping to begin.  The annual dues for QuArtz will be $25 and the VSSQ guild dues are $40 this year.  

We need your Whispers pieces by the September meeting.  Cath is storing them at her house until they are delivered to the museum in Armstrong at the end of the month.  If you can't be at the meeting please arrange to get them to Cath or Brigitte.

Christine and Sandie talked about doing an online workshop last year, Sketchbook Revival.  It will be running again this September 22.  It has video instruction and is designed to help jump start your creativity.  There is a Facebook page for information and if I can find a link to the sign up I will add it later.  Sign up seems to start in the beginning of September.

We are also considering a possible workshop with someone next season.  Let Christine know if you have any suggestions on who you might like to invite to teach us.

Next year's challenge will be announced at the October meeting.  The only hints we got were it will be a conventional quilt construction and something to display at the VSSQ  quilt show in the fall of 2025.

Brigitte has also challenged us to create a 5"x 5" square of fabric embellished any way you like to reflect your ancestry.  This is for an instillation at Gallery Vertigo.  What exactly it is we don't know but Brigitte needs your piece in by the first two weeks of September.  At the September meeting is great or drop it off at the gallery, mail it there etc.  The fabric square does not need to be finished, just the embellished square.

Show and Tell

Christine brought in her dyed and washed out batik stamped piece all ready to be stitched.

Joyce has a work in progress that she asked for suggestions on. With such a beautiful start I am looking forward to seeing the finished work! 


Linda has been dyeing with her indigo leaves again and had a selection of scarves. This one also has some flower pounding on it.

Bev tried a couple of ideas she saw in the latest Quilting Arts magazine.  A great tree ring and she played with free motion and a new stitch regulator on the 'Start with a Square' piece.

Cathy has a cyanotype kit for using on fabric.  She will bring in some pieces when she has translated the instructions from the French on the package. 


Cath brought in a piece she had made with Inktense pencils.  The batik piece she did is dyed and the wax boiled out but the pencil lines have stayed.  Consider that a design opportunity!

Cath has also gone on an exploration about resists and had samples to show and resists to share. 

Peobo Setasilk Water based Gutta on very thin silk

Peobo Setasilk on silk charmuse

Jacquard Water based resist

Setasilk water based resist on cotton and painted with inks

Pebeo gutta, gold on cotton.  Lines stay on fabric


Toolbox Tuesday

We have a list of suggestions for mini workshops in the coming year.  We are revisiting some interesting things in our 'toolboxes' and finding some new ones.  

Suggestions for Toolbox Tuesdays

Interest in and volunteers for TT

Some examples of what we can do in Toolbox Tuesdays.


Folded flowers

Scissor holder

Stone covers

Metamorphosis Through Shibori

And finally- BATIK

Shirley, Joan and Endy showed us how to mix the sodium alginate into our dyes to thicken them for painting.  And then some of us got busy giving it a go.

Christine did some coffee dyeing on her first green piece.  Then tried some of the thickened dyes on the second one.

Joan has a very complex piece and is painting with thickened dyes on a butterfly.

Shirley continued to work an a piece she had started at home.

Cathy is using spices and sodium alginate.  

Jeanette is using fabric paint and textile medium.

Brigitte has her's ready to go, still enjoying the mask theme.

Sandie is using thickened dyes.

Endy covered the coneflower piece with water glass to set the dye.  She has another very vibrant piece in the works.

Endy put Suzanna to work painting her very large Zentangles dress.  I can't wait to see the finished work from everyone!

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 We had two visitors and possible new members today.  A warm welcome to Shirley and Cheryl. The Whispers display and some of the Raising th...