Thursday, 16 November 2023

World Of Threads Festival 2023


I was delighted to have my quilt, Stone Sheep, accepted into this show.  There are 115 artists from around the world exhibiting here.  The variety of styles, techniques and fibres used is amazing.

Here are a small portion of the wonderful things shown.  I have mostly focused on 3D pieces as that is what we are exploring this year in QuArtz but a few others found their way in just because.

I have put the picture first and then the artist statement and the personal information.  

Stone Sheep

The art is displayed along the walls of the community centre.


  1. What a stunning exhibit it looks like. It must have been even more impressive in person, to be able to see the stitching up close.

  2. Omg, that was amazing. I loved the wall of butterflies, the endangered species of birds. Thanks Cath for spending so much time posting this exhibit. Beautiful.

  3. Thank you for sharing. It would be great to see in person, but lovely that we can click on the images and get a close up view. What a great exhibit.


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