Wednesday, 15 January 2025

2025! January

 Welcome back for another exciting year of QuArtz!  January always has a few people away looking for sunnier days but we still had a dozen for the first meeting of the year.

Christine has been given information on the application process for the Peachland Gallery.  While we are not considering applying this year, as it is a Quilt Show year, it is good to know what they would be looking for and when they accept applications.  Brigitte tells us most calls for submissions are in the September/ October time frame.

We had 3 short presentations with information on their choices for the challenge, Pioneering Women of BC and Yukon.  There will be a seperate blog post with a short write up on the choices as they are presented.

We moved on to Show and Tell

Cath had made her scissor holder and fob from a favorite piece of fabric.  She had also been doing some gravity snow dyeing.  A little different than the usual technique of putting the dye powder on top of the snow.  In gravity dyeing you put the dye on the fabric, the snow on top and let it melt and drip down through a hanging portion.  The results show mottled at the top and then long streaks on the bottom half of the fabric.  

The dyeing set up

Linda W.  has been very busy with making quilts for Quilts Beyond Borders.  She had also made her scissor holder, fob and VSSQ name tag but unfortunately I missed getting a picture of those.

Cathy is back from her European travels and brought in some memento's of her trip.  A wonderful 3D pop-up book of Alice in Wonderland she found in Madrid.  Also a Picasso print. 

pages from the 3D book

pages from the 3D book

top view

A Picasso

Shirley W.  showed us an exploding book she is going to decorate and some lovely little people from Guatemala.  

Jeanette has done 3 more fobs.

Brigitte showed her scissor holder and two fobs.

There is embossed felt on this one. 

Christine had some lovely boho beads, her fob and scissor holder.  She was also snow dyeing this month and had some lovely results to share.

Sandi brought back the felt leftovers to share, if you want some she will be glad to bring them for you. She also had her scissor holder and fob.  

Shirley P.  has made her scissor holder and fob in red and finished it up with a heart fob.  

Judith used a horse theme on her scissor holder as she used to ride a lot. She also brought in a couple of small pieces made with a scribble of ink and then outlined in pen.  The idea is to find something in the scribble.  Love the pig on a pogo!

Linda K. showed some lovely warm and cozy Christmas socks she made.  She also had some marble fabric to give us inspiration for our activity today.

Marbling Fabric

Shirley W. led us in an exploration of marbleing on fabric.  Our base was shaving foam, inks or paints dotted on top and then manouvered to make lines etc.  A wide variety of tools were used for this, skewers and combs and then the fabric is gently pressed into the pattern.  The fabric is removed and the excess shaving foam scraped off to reveal the print.  They were taken home to dry, heat set the colour and then wash.  Now what will be make with the results?  Tune in next month to see.

Dotts of paint on shaving foam

After pulling the first print

The fabric and the foam

Ready to print

Foam on left, fabric on right

Complex design ready to print


Half scraped 

2025! January

 Welcome back for another exciting year of QuArtz!  January always has a few people away looking for sunnier days but we still had a dozen f...