We had a guest speaker this month.
Gerry Marchand came to share some of his insight's into creativity. Gerry has been a practicing artist for most of his life and was an art teacher for 25 years.
He posed some questions for us to think about and encouraged a discussion of our responses.
What is Art?
What is the role of the Artist in society?
What is beauty?
What is design?
What is decoration?
What is appetite?
What is the difference between appetite and beauty?
What is excellence?
One of his quotes:
"He who works with his hands is a labourer. He who works with his hands and head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands, head and heart is an Artist."
He certainly helped to expand our artist vocabulary. He also brought along a selection of his paintings.
Allegory |
All in the Same Boat |
Dawning of the New Normal |
Gerry also had some book suggestions, most are not in print any longer but could be available at the library.
There wasn't any housekeeping to do so we went on to show and tell.
Christine has been trying out Elisabeth's idea of presenting your work with a matt frame. It certainly makes it look more professional.
Cath was playing with inset circles and tried a cat's eye shape. She got a bit carried away and ended up with this. Deadly Dotted Daisy, a prehistoric plant that has a toxic sap. It you get it on your skin you will end up covered in pink and green spots! The dragonfly is immune and uses the plant for protection.
Joyce is still playing in the Dungeon and Dragon world and made her son a graveyard. Complete with walls and various graves and headstones.
I will try to label the pictures correctly.
A table and more of creations! |
Shirley |
Joan |
Joan |
Jeanette |
Christine |
Shirley |
Cathy |
Judith |
Sandie |
Joyce |
Shirley |
Close up Shirley |
Jeanette |
Cath |
Bev |
Cathy and Elisabeth |
Elisabeth |
Cathy |
Close up Elisabeth |