Wednesday, 10 January 2024

January 2024

 Happy New Year!  

Welcome back to all who braved the snowy roads and to those who stayed home, you were missed.

We talked again about CV's and Christine has supplied a couple of links to information on making your own.  We will touch on this again next month when everyone has had a chance to look at the sites.  We are also talking about making a CV for the QuArtz group as well.


The Armstrong Museum and Art Gallery has said yes to displaying our Whispers Challenge pieces for October/November 2024.  They will have to be delivered to the gallery by October 22.  Thank you Brigitte for organizing this.

Workshop with Gerry Marchand is tentatively planned for the June 11 meeting.  We decided on a 2 hour talk about creativity and allegorical composition.  This would happen between 10 and 12 to leave us time for lunch and our regular meeting after his talk.

Show and Tell

Brigitte had two lovely Christmas cards she made and her embroidery pieces.  She is making hers in smaller blocks which will then be sewn together.

Endy and Suzanne had a personal Yin Yang challenge and brought in the finished pieces.  Suzanne is considering entering her piece in some shows to I won't post it here but we do have pictures of it for you to see.
Endy made a huge and very beautiful quilt for her daughter with a yin yang of cartoon dragons in the centre.  She tried out couching on a long arm, no zig zag stitch but just a straight stitch to hold down the yarn.   Very challenging but a spectacular outcome!

Cathy has a pop up book in progress and it is great.  A few more touches on it before she gives it to her granddaughter.

Jan played around with a Christmas themed collage.  What fun and so much to look at.

Lena has done some beautiful embroidery for her scroll and has an interesting vessel in progress.  Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Linda has finished her year of monthly journals and had December's to show us.  Along with a lovely poem.

Judith sent in a picture of the cute pillow cover she made for her granddaughter.  Jeanette gave her the unicorn cross stitch and Judith found lovely fabric to go with it.

Shirley brought along the piece she made for the VSSQ Pearl Anniversary.  It is 3D and has a round pearl in the centre.

Bev has been playing with idea's from the book, Exploring Dimensional Quilt Art that we are using as a guide this season.  She made a version of Stretching the Point, (Pg. 47. )  As added embellishments she used metal and tassels to decorate!

Note:  The page numbers I reference are from the book mentioned above.

Bev's piece moves us nicely into Shirley's demonstration of Arranging the Plane.  She has made examples from the book Exploring Dimensional Quilt Art.

She touched on Stacking, Layering, Twisting and Stretching.

Stacking and Layering can be obvious, one piece on top of another or more complex.  (Pg 35)

Simple stack of vessels

Complex stack of fortune teller origami  (Pg. 29)

Twisting   (Pg. 48 to 51)

We manipulated paper into Mobius strips and then cut some in half.  The results were so cool!

Fabric mobius strip

Paper mobius

Mobius cut in half lengthwise. Now it is two joined strips.

Double twist mobius

What happens if you cut in in half again?


   Inner Spin (Pg.46)

   Spirals (Pg. 40)

This one is 6 feet tall!

Our Embroidery stitches for this month are:

French Knots

Colonial Knots

Pioneering Women of BC and Yukon.

 In this blog post I will give a short summary of the women chosen by our members for their challenge this year.  As the year progresses I w...