Wednesday, 9 August 2023


 Welcome back again.  

A busy meeting was started off with talk about the upcoming ArtWalk show.  Some problems and questions needed to be ironed out.  Cathy and Sandie are doing their best to organize the rest of the needs for the show.  There will be an individual artist's agreement to fill out but you will receive and email about it soon.   There is also a sign up sheet for volunteers to be at the show during the two days.  More information to come on all of this.

Quilts are to be delivered to Brigitte by Thursday September 7.  #29 at the meeting location, turn right before the clubhouse.  Brigitte is on the right hand side.  Both should be ready to hang with your printed artist statements in a 4"x 6" format on white card stock or paper glued to card stock.

Linda and Sandie have volunteered to do the set up.  Any other questions should be directed to Cathy or Sandie.

Show and Tell

Brigitte brought along two of her Raising the Surface pieces.

Christine had some lovely hand dyed fabric.

Cathy has been doing a bit more gelli printing.

Elisabeth showed her Raising the Surface piece and another lovely matted piece ready for your frame.  She has also been doing gelli printing on fabric.

Linda showed us July's journal.  Varied and interesting as always.

Joyce is trying new things to make game boards for a family member.  Very nicely done in painted styrofoam.  Certainly looks like stone!

We talked about the new season starting next month and what we would explore this time!  The executive have decide on '3D and Beyond' for our main focus on the year.  

There will be a lot of information out of the book:  

Exploring Dimensional Quilt Art, stitch, fold, embellish by C. June Barnes.  A few of us have copies but it is available on Amazon.

A subsidiary idea is to explore embroidery stitches, using your favourite stitches by hand or machine.  

One idea is to use them in a scroll.  The only rule is: you use hand dyed or painted fabric.  Something you have made not a purchased print for your background.

We have a variety of scrolls for examples:








Christine showed an example of using both hand and machine stitches together and showed us an excellent embroidery book.

We then moved on to Metal!  Jeanette led the group in playing with thin metal, mostly from pop cans.  Some had been cut and heated to change the colour.  She says nail polish adheres the best to the metal but some felt pens did work although gave you more of a light wash than full colour.

Scissors were decided to be the best tool for cutting out shapes.  Paper punches, tracing wheels and a variety of objects can be used to dent or make patterns.

Shirley brought along a couple of paper crimpers that were used on the thin metal to great effect!  My favourite trick of the day!

Jeanette showed us how to make a metal rose from a cut spiral of metal and some wire.  Also some of the samples she has been working on.  You can find the instructions here:

We all had a go at playing with our metal pieces.  Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

And finally remember that your guild dues and QuArtz membership are due in September.  

$25 for QuArtz.

December - Happy Holidays!

 Welcome back all.   We started the meeting with some housekeeping.   The Whispers pieces were returned and Joan has sold her piece.   The d...