Wednesday, 12 April 2023

April showers and sunshine

Warm weather is back!  Lovely to get together again and enjoy creating and spring.

Whispers update:  Christine and Joyce are working on their pieces this month and since Joyce is finished she will pass hers on early to help Myrna who has some family obligations in the coming month.  Only Jeanette left to go in May.  Good work all!  We should be finished and ready for the Grand Reveal in June.

The Raising the Surface pieces are also due in June.  Short artist statements are required with each piece.

The group organizing Lorraine's clothing sale are moving along very well.  The advertisements are beginning to appear in local publications.  They are still looking for help for the sale day, April 29 from 1 to 4pm at Trinity Baptist Church in Vernon.  There will be a separate date for the sale of sewing related items.

Art Walk

The call for entries is out and Cathy and Sandie have volunteered to organize the application for our Whispers Challenge and the Raising the Surface items.  We hope you will have some of your pieces for sale.  

In May we will be having a demo on Inktense pencils with Shirley and Elisabeth.  As it takes some time we will be missing a tassel demo this month.  They will continue in June with Judith presenting Graduation Tassels.  Bev will be showing us Macrame and macrame tassels in September.  A nice blast from the past for some of us!

Brigitte is making an installation of 100 butterflies and has asked if any of us would like to help her.  Here is a link to a YouTube video on making them.  She isn't requiring the bead at the end of the video.

The rest of the meeting was a trunk show by Anette Cameron of Kelowna.  She is also a member of the Fibre Art Network (FAN).  She had two pieces in the recent Threads of Hope display at Gallery Vertigo.  

Anette grew up in Denmark and has studied Prehistoric Archaeology.  She has worked in museums and is influenced by the art of European and Scandinavian painters like Franz Marc, Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso.  She enjoys using recycled articles and fibre in her work.  She says her philosophy is simple; I create what inspires me, and what I like.

There was a very diverse display of her works and interesting stories as she explained what inspired some of the pieces.  

Here are some photo's of Anette's work:

Threads of Hope-FAN

Threads of Hope-FAN

Pin cushion from mismatched cup and saucer

Shelter, was at the Gallery Vertigo Show

Detour Series

Salmon life cycle, ghost fish in the stitching

Two from her Trees series

A variety of Sunflowers

Water lilies

And a Dragonfly!

Started with a pattern but taken so much further!  A stunning piece!

Pioneering Women of BC and Yukon.

 In this blog post I will give a short summary of the women chosen by our members for their challenge this year.  As the year progresses I w...