Wednesday, 13 July 2022


 A beautiful warm summer day for our meeting.  

Linda talked about next month's indigo dyeing.  If you need extra leaves for your dyeing Shirley has a lot growing in her garden.  Contact her to arrange to go over and pick some.  It is easiest to cut off the plant and then strip the leaves off stems when we get going.  Linda will send a supply list out next month.       You will need to have any shibori stitching done in advance.  There are lots of books or YouTube videos on how to do different patterns.  

Joan will be demonstrating her facing finish next month.

We talked about and agreed on the group doing a Whisper Challenge for the next year.  Those of us who attended the Quilt Canada show were very impressed with the World Wide Whispers displayed there.  Months have been assigned but some moving around is possible if needed.  The photo we work from will be chosen by a third party and not seen by anyone other than the first person on the list.  That way we are all approaching it equally.  It should be an interesting reveal next fall!

Show and Tell

Brigitte has been continuing on her hand sewing and has done two wonderful scroll's.  She approached a local wood turner to make her some spools and the results are great.  


Elisabeth brought along some of the things she did in the classes at Quilt Canada.  She was in class for 3 days and has a few things to show us in the coming year.

Inktense pencils with Ana Buzzalino

Raven with Terry Rowland

Shiva sticks with Ana Buzzalino

Shiva sticks with Ana Buzzalino

Cathy then gave her tutorial on making the little dolls seen in South American textile art.  She had kits for everyone and had done some of the sewing machine work herself.  A very well thought out worksheet and clear instructions made for everyone getting most of the way though making their first one.

Sample made by Cathy

Sorry, but I am not sure who's is who's in the following pictures, but you can see they are well on their way to being little guys to be placed on your background.  You make them longer in the arms and legs and trim them down when placed on your work.

Pioneering Women of BC and Yukon.

 In this blog post I will give a short summary of the women chosen by our members for their challenge this year.  As the year progresses I w...