Friday, 17 September 2021

We're Back! September 2021

 Hello again!  So nice to see most of you in person, and those who couldn't make it were missed.  It was a bit chilly outdoors but we had some interesting talk and show and tell.

Christine, Sandi and Jeanette have been busy putting together a program for the coming season.  The plan is to take a deeper look into some techniques we have touched on in the past.  We will start with Solar Dyeing.  

Elisabeth and Linda gave us some insight into the process they used and had some lovely fabric samples to show us.

Elisabeth's dye jar and some results

       Linda did a few batches and had dried flowers for sale so we could try out some of her colours.

One of the websites she recommends is

I found this one as well and I am sure there are lots more.

Next month we will talk about Over Dyeing.  

The idea for January to March is Improv.

April to June will be Recycle, Upcycle, and Repurpose.

Jeanette is going to introduce us to A Button a Month instead of doing the Joltz.  Looking forward to seeing what she comes up with!

As October 2022 is the VSSQ Quilt show we are doing a Challenge to display there.

There were 3 choices given and we voted on them, with the winner being:

A Page From My Book.

There were no size restrictions given.

We will meet in October at Brigitte's clubhouse.  She will book it for the following two months as well. 

There was quite a bit of show and tell, great to see that even with the horrible smoky summer we had we can still be creative.

Sandi is making a retirement journal.

Elisabeth has a nature theme in her journal.  The cover is almost done.

Cath has done her journal with her parents on the cover and pages from various school works and music of theirs.  There are pages from her mother's high school chemistry notes.

Bags made from screen print fabrics purchased is Whitehorse, Yukon a few years ago.  Fireweed seemed quite appropriate to work with this summer.

A screen print of two of Dawson City, Yukon's most famous buildings.  Built on permafrost they have leaned into each other over the years of freezing and thawing.

Linda has made another wonderful journal full of interesting things.

Brigitte was concerned when the summer began that she had lost her creative mojo, but with all these wonderful pieces completed I would say she found it again!

Whew, that is a lot of wonderful work!  Well done everyone.

The Pentiction Guild is having a Fibre Art Exhibit at the Penticton Art Gallery from Sept 18 to Nov 6.  Well worth the trip down as they have a very creative group there.  Maybe get together with a friend and make a day of it?

VSSQ is having a quilt sale on October 30 this year.  Check with the guild for more details if you are interested in selling any.  

Pioneering Women of BC and Yukon.

 In this blog post I will give a short summary of the women chosen by our members for their challenge this year.  As the year progresses I w...