Friday, 30 July 2021

Projects completed!

 I love getting pictures of your completed projects!

Here is the latest from



Cathy has done a whole quilt with the mandala dotting technique.  

First ironing onto freezer paper, then marking the grids using a template.  She selected her designs and colours and did a lot of beautiful dotting.

Finally the quilting was done and then finished.  Beautiful background fabric that sets off the mandala's so well.

Cathy sent along a picture of the two mandala's she has made with buttons.  The white one is made with her mother's buttons, what a wonderful memento to have!

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Coldstream Park for July

In spite of the heat and smoke 8 of us made it to the park for our meeting this month.  Lovely to meet in person again!

We had a variety of show and tell, some based on last month's Mandala Dotting and some more general work.

Cathy had really gone to town with her dotting, doing everything from fabric and paper to some lovely paint pour dotted rocks.


Sandie has been making books, this one with a circle motif.  It is an accordion book with signatures in the valleys.  

Jeanette has finished her accordion book of birds, complete with a lovely soft fuzzy edge.  The back side of each bird has a tag naming the bird and showing a variety of artwork.

Jeanette also brought along some Dorset buttons she has made and is looking for feedback on the idea of a 'Button a Month' for the new season.  What do you all think? 

Linda gave us some instruction on her technique of making journals with large envelopes.  She was using fabrics in red, black and brown to represent the fires burning all around us now.  

We all started a book cover with a variety of themes, some in fabric and some in paper.  

A great way to use up some of those scraps!

A link from Linda:

Treasure Books, Making a Journal from a large envelope

Pioneering Women of BC and Yukon.

 In this blog post I will give a short summary of the women chosen by our members for their challenge this year.  As the year progresses I w...