Linda brought along her finished tea bag piece. "Mama Loves Tea"
There was lots of discussion on our presentation for the quilt show. We have decided to look at ombre fabrics for the background and Brigitte will take care of that when she is in Peachland this weekend.
We have a total of 92 tea bags, 14 of which are larger than the 2.5" squares.
We are going to mount them on 3 canvas', 30 x 40". Sandi is looking into rare earth magnets as the method to attach them.
We will talk about exact design and placement more in July.
We will have 4 definite personal pieces for the quilt show and two possibles.
And now the title...........
There was a lot of talk about the next season of QuArtz.
Cathy has suggested we dig deeper into specific areas of design and has agreed to help us investigate "Symmetry". She has a wonderful book that talks about it in relation to quilting. Art Inspirations by Ruth B McDowell.
We are also looking at a challenge for ArtWalk 2020.
Personalize It
Choose paint chips based on your initials and create a piece from there.
There is also consideration of a day of book making, accordion books, coptic binding and a sewn binding.
Catherine gave out bags of dried hibiscus flowers for natural dyeing, it makes a lovely pink. The flowers came from her family run brewery in Kelowna, Wild Ambition. She has invited us for a road trip and visit to the brewery.
In July we will be doing Silk Fusion and Faux Metal Fabric at Brigitte's clubhouse. A supply list to follow. There will be a $5 charge for the silk fibre's. Both of these techniques would make wonderful book covers as well as being used in our art quilts.
Tonny will be in charge of August and is up to something wonderful!
Enjoy your summer and hope to see you all at the meetings.