Joltz Elisabeth brought along some word play to get us started.
The main focus of the meeting was our completed tea bags. A few more were handed in today.

Cathy brought along her beautiful finished piece, Dandelion Wishes.

We spent time looking at ideas for the main tea bag piece for the quilt show. We decided to do a large triptych in portrait orientation. They will be mounted on 24 x 36 canvas.
We are loosely basing the background on a Pippa Moore quilt, My Winter Garden, seen in the Winter 2014 issue of Quilter's Connection Magazine. The simple tree shapes leave lots of room for the tea bags to be the feature.

There are still decisions to be made on how we attach them, how we organize them and what the background will be. The remaining tea bags were sent home to be trimmed with pinking blades or sheers and returned next month.
And we need a Title!! All suggestions are welcome!
A table full of tea bag art!