Sunday, 18 November 2018

November Meeting

JOLTZ started off our November meeting.   Very simple instructions, starting with 'Draw an I.'  Or is it an EYE?  Draw a T.  What would you choose to draw?  No two turned out the same.

The tea bag show and tell was amazing!  Everyone has their own interpretation of the art form and the results are as beautiful as they are varied.




Presentation                   Bernie

Bernie's presentation was on using our computers to print images on the tea bags and then colour them.

He used free clip art or copyright free images found online.  They were then reduced in size to fit on a tea bag.  In his word program he arranged them on the paper and printed that out.  He then taped the tea bags down over top of the image and ran it through the printer again to print the image directly on the tea bag.  This method works with both laser and ink jet printers.

As the tea bag is delicate I found that fusing it to a larger  piece of thin fabric before taping it to the paper worked well and made it easier to remove the tape.   Tracing the image on to the tea bag is another option.

Bernie then coloured the images in with water colour pencil and carefully brushed water over to enhance the colours and smooth out the pencil lines.

There were pre printed tea bag samples for us to colour and you know how we like to colour!

One more interesting way to do your tea bags.

A Google search of Tea Bag Art will supply endless choices for you.

Here are a few websites that will inspire:

Catherine will be doing the December presentation.

Pioneering Women of BC and Yukon.

 In this blog post I will give a short summary of the women chosen by our members for their challenge this year.  As the year progresses I w...